Saturday, March 30, 2013

What about Mercury Retrogrades ?

Mercury Retrograde

My conversation for you today will be what is considered mercury retrograde. I am not an astrologer; however, I own a full library on the subject, and learn by looking at my stars and planets. Many of you that know me, have learned that mercury retrogrades are very important times during the year for all of us. Mercury goes into retrograde for approximately three weeks during each cycle that occurs three times a year and has a two-week shadow on either side of the event. Many will learn that mercury in retrograde will affect you whether you believe or not.

During a retrograde, items directly affected are not limited to: of electronics, finance, appliances, communication, and relationships. A common misunderstanding during a retrograde, is that the planet Mercury spins in reverse; however, the actual planet does not spin backwards but the energy does, therefore you are taken aback to resolve, release, anything with the re prefix again applies. 

It would go against the law of gravity for the planet to actually spin backwards without causing a major disruption in the solar system, so this is termed literally. I always say, “Mercury turns over the rocks so that anything unseen becomes seen”. The retrograde encourages us to step back and redo things the way they should have been done the first time. In the lineup of planets in astrology, the planet mercury rules communication and commerce, which includes and is not limited to; faxes, phones, letters, finance transportation and miscommunication. Issues tend to come back to us, include, and is not limited to faxes, phones, letters, money, transportation, and miscommunication.

 The money in your account being double dipped, getting a refund check you never expected or a bill comes that was paid wanting to be paid again are just some examples. Lawsuits sometimes settle and bring you money as well, but the kicker is when you were born with mercury in retrograde in your chart, under the retrograde, you can see an increase in business. Usually, if something mechanical is due to break down under the retrograde it will do just that (repair), things unknown or unseen are revealed. Just to give another example many times during mercury retrograde we find the remains of individuals who were missing (Reveal/revisit).

Have you ever gone in the bank and the whole system is out that’s mercury, or heard from some old lover that you thought was out of your life? An old male or female friend calls out the blue; contact was lost without closure that is mercury. During mercury retrograde, you should not make major purchases such as computers, cars, televisions or anything that would cost a lot of money, not matter how well the price or bargain seems, I would leave it where I see it or it will always be a problem. There are things like major flight delays when traveling, luggage getting lost, and un-pleasurable travels like recent Carnival cruises that had issues with the engine (unknown to the cruise line and broke down) are a perfect example of mercury in action. Often, I share with clients that anything with a (re) prefix applies during mercury retrograde renew, review, revisit, return, release, relinquish, receive and reverse. You do not initiate anything new or take a new job, or start a new project under a retrograde. Allow me to share an experience with you, some years ago my husband and I opened a restaurant in the historical district of Savannah. I started the business under mercury retrograde and it lasted exactly one year to the date from start to finish.

I know now that it was not the time for that business to launch because as it was a whirlwind starting and cost over $10,000 to get started, one year later the air conditioning unit went out, the building was an old bank building with no ventilation other than the front door and the door to the kitchen. Many of our patrons tried hard to patronize us but in July in the state of Georgia the heat became unbearable, which left us no choice, but to close the business (release). We started it under a retrograde, and it ended under a retrograde and as a rule, I start nothing new under mercury. The project does not always dissipate when mercury goes direct, sometimes it will last until the next retrograde or even the anniversary of its start, but I guarantee you it will not last, I am a living witness. If you would like to know how this affects you as a individual on the astrological wheel please visit the wonderful astrologer Susan Miller at Horoscopes, she is an amazing person and gives insight online astrologically and in nonprofessionals’ terms. According to (Brodeaur, 1997), Mercury retrograde is not good or bad, just a change in the energy of the planet, so if you are aware of it then you can avoid costly mistakes or unnecessary misunderstandings.

Now let’s talk about the two week shadows on either side of the retrograde, two weeks before or two weeks after the energy actually goes retrograde or reverse, it begins to slow and we here on the planet begin to experience the change by events. In the shadows, we feel the effects at a minor level but when it is fully retrograde, we can plainly see the effects of its power in true form. When the energy begins to prepare for direct motion, the ending of retrograde, we again feel the energies affects as it slows for direct motion and for two weeks after there are lingering effects.

I hope that I have given you all some very understandable insights into the perils of Mercury Retrograde. When I post the Mercury Alert, we are all prepared to step back and clean up loose ends readjust, reevaluate. If you have, any questions please feel free to leave a comment with an email address and I would be sure to answer any questions to the best of my ability.

Here is the link to the for those of you that might like to check it out!   Mercury Calendar

The next Blog post will talk about herbs, roots, and some of their uses medicinal and spiritual.

Much Love!


Brodeaur, G. M. (1997). The Complete Idiot's Guide to Astrology. New York: Alpha Books.

Inglis, G. (1976). Retrograde Planets. New Delhi: Sagar Publications.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Spiritual Practitioners Dont Milk Clients for Money

Today I decided that I would post this small message to the people who may be looking for someone to do spiritual work. Some people would relate what I am talking about to casting a spell. I am not a witch and do not knock those who would call themselves one because there is good and bad in all religions. I move energy and use that energy to bring about the truth. I call it spiritual work. If someone is looking for help with a matter that pertains to their love life, employment, finances, or negative spiritual attack, I will work with them to find out if what they are experiencing from a spiritual perspective.

  When you go to a spiritual person for a reading you should be trying to listen carefully to make sure the person is not trying to rip you off. Those who say they have the gift but take advantage of the people who seek out their assistance, have taken the term spiritual advisor out of context. Having the title comes with great responsibility it should not be taken likely. I decided to set myself aside from the rest I am a self-proclaimed spiritual analyst/psychic/intuitive/spiritual advisor.

    One important thing I would like to share is that spiritual people should not be trying to empty your bank account. If a client wants to get a reading from me every day, can afford it and have legitimate concerns then make your payment via PayPal and setup your appointment. I do not try to find ways to milk clients out of their money by making reasons for them to spend money. What you put out there is what you get back; I do not take advantage of people because I do not want someone to take advantage of me. Helping someone spiritually does not require thousands of dollars and if they fix it once, it should not have to continue to cost you the client money repeatedly for the same thing.

Just to give an example a person is seeking help with stopping a spiritual attack, they go to a practitioner for help. They should be able to remove and protect for one charge and not be milking the situation. Do not be a victim of the palm outside of the establishment and title spiritual advisor because that is the culture, that you see on the side of the road and they are accurate in readings but deceptive in practices.

What kind of Spiritual Person Am I ?

Ok so this is the second blog and I promised to talk about the spirits I communicate with in readings, and explain why I consider myself a spiritual analyst with psychic abilities. When new and current clients come for readings, they bring spirits that communicate with me through my father who I have identified as my spirit guide. When doing a reading, I feel the spirits’ presence and receive the information that my father’s spiritual guidance makes clear for me. The details provided in a reading for the client is accurate, heartfelt and the truthful. Tarot cards are my tools of divination that allow me to open a portal to receive answers for my clients.

When I do readings at conventions, they are very taxing for me because I am acknowledging two spirits which is like reading two people at a time; afterwards I need all the rest I can get to rejuvenate. I would also like to share that all the spirits that come with individuals are not always good, because some come with negative energy attached to which I choose not to entertain. I consider myself a spiritual analyst/psychic/spiritualist that empowers those in need spiritual uplifting and problem solving. Being psychic is a gift, and being skilled at analyzing the spirit helps me to educate clients as to why events happen; I prefer sharing the truth about issues or positive changes to expect in their lives. When Ms. Cleo from “Call me now” came on the scene, I knew she was fake before it was national knowledge; but when she was discovered, it had affected my business and also hurt the industry of those who provide honest and truthful information to clients. 

Many turned away from searching for honest mediums, psychics, clairvoyants and others because people have become more skeptical of us. In recent years, people like John Edwards, James Van Praagh, and Teresa Caputo have surfaced and brought about change in the way people look at the truly gifted. As a child, I was able to communicate with those who crossed over but as time moved forward in my life, events would take away my focus that prevented me hearing for others and only for myself. Now I am hearing again and will continue to help clients that are looking for honesty and truth. In my continued search for the truth, I also ask this question: where are the African American mediums and why aren’t they being promoted on television or in the media for the healing, they do?